
Summer is the perfect time to capture beautiful family portraits. With longer days, warmer weather (we hope!), and vibrant natural backdrops, it’s a wonderful time to create stunning images that showcase your family’s unique personality and bonds.

Whether you are planning a photoshoot day, or just want to capture some lovely pictures to remember a family day trip, here are some tips for capturing perfect family photos this summer.


The beauty of summer lies in its variety of scenic locations that can serve as the perfect backdrop for family portraits. Here are some ideas:

Parks and Gardens: Lush greenery, blooming flowers, and expansive open spaces make parks and gardens ideal. Look for local botanical gardens or well-maintained parks that offer a mix of flora and open spaces.

Beaches: Nothing says summer like a day at the beach. The golden sand, rolling waves, and expansive skies provide a stunning backdrop. Opt for early morning or late afternoon photos to avoid harsh midday sun and capture the soft, flattering light.


Countryside and Farms: Fields of wildflowers, rustic barns, and wide-open fields can give your photos a charming, pastoral feel. These locations are perfect for a more relaxed, natural vibe.

Urban Settings: If your family loves the hustle and bustle of city life, urban environments can also work well. Look for colourful murals, quaint streets, or city parks that offer a mix of greenery and urban elements.

Photography Studio: If you’d rather not take your chances on the weather or would like professional family portraits, we can schedule a session in my studio!


One of the key aspects of a successful family portrait is coordinating outfits that reflect the season’s vibrant colours. Here are some tips:

Colour Palette: Embrace the bright and cheerful colours of summer. Think of hues like coral, turquoise, sunny yellow, and fresh greens. These colours pop against natural backdrops and enhance the overall feel of the photos.

Avoid Over-Matching: While coordination is essential, avoid having everyone in identical outfits. Instead, choose a colour palette and let each family member wear different shades and patterns within that range. This creates visual harmony without looking too uniform.

Comfort is Key: Summer can get quite warm, so choose lightweight, breathable fabrics. Flowy dresses, linen shirts, and comfortable shorts can keep everyone cool and relaxed.

Accessories and Layers: Accessories can add a fun touch to your photos. Consider adding hats, scarves, or statement jewellery that fits the summer theme. Lightweight layers like cardigans or shawls can also add depth to your outfits.


Summer’s long days offer flexible timing for photos, but the quality of light can make a significant difference. Here are some tips for photos at different times of the day:

Bright Sunshine and the Middle of the Day: Sunlight is harshest in the middle of the day creating hard shadows, over blown highlghts and squinted eyes! Seek out shaded areas to avoid harsh sunlight. Trees, buildings, or umbrellas can offer relief and create a more comfortable environment for you. If no shade is available, try to place your subjects with the light behind them.

Backlighting: Having the sun behind your subjects can create beautiful 'halos'. Be careful not to get the sun in the shot though or you will get under exposed images and lighting flares (though sometimes breaking these rules can work too!)

Golden Hour: The hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset, known as the golden hour, provides the most flattering natural light. This time of day offers soft, warm tones that are perfect for capturing the essence of summer.

Overcast Days: Don’t be discouraged by cloudy weather! Overcast days can provide even lighting and reduce harsh shadows, making for perfect portraits.

Examples of backlit images

Back lighting can create different and interesting effects!


Examples of backlit images

Back lighting can create different and interesting effects!


Natural, candid interactions often make for the best family portraits. Encourage your family to play, laugh, and enjoy the moment. Here are a few examples:

Activity-Based Poses: Incorporate activities your family enjoys, such as having a picnic, playing a game, or simply walking together. These activities can help everyone relax and interact naturally.

Close-Up Moments: Capture close-up shots of intimate moments, like a child holding a parent’s hand or siblings sharing a laugh. These details can highlight the emotional connections within your family.

Group Dynamics: Mix up the groupings in your photos. Take shots of the whole family, but also capture smaller groupings, like just the children or the parents alone. This variety adds depth to your photo collection.


By carefully selecting your location, coordinating outfits, and choosing the right time for your photos, you can create beautiful, lasting memories of your family enjoying the summer season. Embrace the warmth, colour, and joy that summer brings, and let your family’s unique personality shine through in every shot.

And of course, if you need some help creating the perfect family portrait, drop me a line and we can plan the perfect portrait session together! 

As a professional portrait photographer, I have the pleasure of capturing some of the most beautiful and fleeting moments of life. One thing I have observed over the years that I’ve been a professional photographer is the curiosity of children; their wide-eyed wonder at the world around them is simply magical. It’s one of the reasons I love working with families.

With summer around the corner, I thought I would share some ideas for creative, family-friendly photography-themed activities to entertain your little ones, help them nurture their creative flair and perhaps, even spark an early interest in photography.

DIY Camera Craft:
Kickstart your summer with a hands-on DIY project. Kids love crafting and what could be better than creating their own camera! With just a few items from around the house like a small box, a bottle cap for a lens, and a string to hang around their neck, your child can make a cute, pretend camera. This fun craft project can also teach them about the basic structure of a camera.

Nature Photography Hike:
Make the most of the warm weather and the school holidays and take your kids on a nature walk or hike. Equip them with a disposable camera or a child-friendly digital camera and let them explore. Your children can learn to appreciate the beauty of nature and also understand different elements of a photograph, like subject, background, light, and angles.

Craft Camera


Craft Camera
kids using camera


kids using camera

Picture Story Telling:
Allow your children to narrate a story through a series of photographs. They could create a storyboard first and then set out to capture those shots. This exercise not only stimulates creativity but also helps in developing their storytelling skills.

Self-Portrait Sessions:
Teach your children about self-portraits. Show them different examples and encourage them to take their own using a smartphone or a camera. You’d be surprised at their unique perspectives about themselves.

Macro Magic:
Introduce them to the world of macro photography. Show them how to take close-up shots of flowers, insects, or everyday objects. If your phone camera has a macro mode, let them play around with it. This can be a magical experience for them.

Shadow Play:
Summers are great for outdoor play and a perfect time to experiment with shadows. Teach your children about the concept of light and shadow in photography. They can create interesting shapes and patterns using different objects and capture their shadows.

Editing Fun:
After your children have taken their photographs, introduce them to simple photo editing software. They can learn to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and maybe add some fun filters. This adds another layer to their photography skills.

Photo Scavenger Hunt:
This can be as fun and challenging as you make it. Create a list of items or themes for your kids to photograph. It could be anything from “something red” to “a happy moment”.

Download my FREE Ready-to-Print Photography Scavenger Hunt below!

creating shadows


creating shadows

The goal of these activities is to have fun and spark creativity. Your child doesn’t need to take ‘perfect’ pictures. Encourage them to experiment and explore their unique perspective. The most valuable takeaway from these activities will be the memories you create together and the joy of discovering a potential lifelong hobby. So, this summer, let’s make memories, one click at a time! Happy photographing!

And remember, if you’d like professional family portraits this summer, drop me a line and we can plan your portraits together!

Welcoming a new baby into your home is a joyous occasion filled with love and excitement. However, it also brings the crucial responsibility of ensuring your home is a safe environment for your curious and adventurous little one. Baby proofing your home is not just a good idea—it’s essential for preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of your child.

Why Baby Proofing is Important

Babies and toddlers are naturally curious and love to explore their surroundings. Unfortunately, this curiosity can lead to accidents if proper precautions aren’t taken. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), accidents are a leading cause of injury and death among young children in the UK. Home is where many of these accidents occur, as it’s the place where children spend most of their time.

Statistics Highlighting the Importance of Baby Proofing:

  • RoSPA reports that every year in the UK, approximately 500,000 children under the age of four attend A&E departments following accidents that occur in the home.
  • Falls are the most common type of accident, accounting for 44% of all child accidents. Stairs, windows, and furniture are often involved in these incidents.
  • Other common accidents include poisoning, choking, and burns, which can often be prevented with proper baby-proofing measures.

Key Areas to Focus on When Baby Proofing

When it comes to baby proofing, certain areas of your home require special attention. Here are a few critical spots to consider:

The Kitchen: This is one of the most hazardous areas in the home. Ensure that sharp objects, cleaning supplies, and small appliances are stored out of reach. Install locks on cabinets and drawers, use stove knob covers, and keep hot liquids away from the edge of counters. The kitchen can also be a high-traffic area, so making sure it is free of hazards can prevent trips and falls. Consider using appliance locks for ovens, dishwashers, and microwaves to keep little hands from opening them.

Living Room: Anchor heavy furniture like bookshelves and TVs to the wall to prevent tipping. Use corner protectors on furniture with sharp edges and keep small objects off the floor to avoid choking hazards. Since this is a common area where children play, ensure all electrical outlets are covered with safety caps, and use cord shorteners to keep electrical cords out of reach.

Bathroom: Install locks on toilet lids and keep medications and cleaning products in locked cabinets. Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and set your water heater to a safe temperature (typically 49°C or 120°F) to prevent scalding. Bathrooms are also prone to slipping hazards, so placing non-slip mats or decals both inside and outside the tub can prevent accidents. Additionally, using tap covers can protect your child from bumping their head during bath time.

Nursery: Ensure that your baby’s crib meets current safety standards, with a firm mattress and fitted sheet. Keep cords from blinds and baby monitors out of reach, and secure heavy furniture like dressers and changing tables to the wall. The nursery should be a place of comfort and safety, so make sure to also remove any pillows, bumper pads, and stuffed animals from the crib to prevent suffocation hazards. Use bed rails for toddler beds to prevent falls.

Stairs: Install safety gates at the top and bottom of all staircases. Ensure that balusters or railings are closely spaced to prevent your child from getting stuck or climbing through. Stairs can pose significant dangers, so using stairway carpeting or non-slip treads can add an extra layer of safety by providing better traction

Fireplace: Use a fireplace safety screen or gate to keep your child away from the fire, and consider using hearth padding to prevent injuries from falls. Fireplaces can be attractive but dangerous features, so always store firewood and fireplace tools out of reach.

Doors and Windows: Use door knob covers or locks to prevent entry to certain rooms. Install window guards or stops to prevent falls. Keep blind cords out of reach and use cord cleats to secure them, preventing strangulation risks.

Electrical Safety: Use cord shorteners or organizers to keep cords tidy and out of reach. Secure TVs and electronics with anti-tip straps. Children are naturally drawn to electrical outlets and cords, so taking these precautions can prevent electrical shocks and other injuries.


Baby proofing your home offers peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken steps to minimise risks and protect your child from common household hazards. It allows your child to explore and learn in a safer environment, which is essential for their development.

Additionally, baby proofing can prevent serious injuries that may require medical attention or hospitalisation, reducing the emotional stress on families. Simple measures like installing safety gates and securing furniture can significantly decrease the likelihood of accidents.


To help you get started, we’ve created a comprehensive Baby Proofing Checklist that covers all areas of your home. This FREE downloadable checklist provides detailed guidance on securing your home and ensuring your child’s safety. 


Taking the time to baby-proof your home is an investment in your child’s safety and your peace of mind. By following these guidelines and using our checklist, you can create a secure environment where your little one can thrive and explore safely. Happy baby-proofing!

Bringing a new baby into the world is a momentous occasion, and capturing those first few weeks through photography is a decision many parents cherish. Choosing the right newborn photographer is crucial not only for ensuring beautiful images but also for guaranteeing a safe and comfortable environment for your new addition. Here are ten essential tips to help you select the perfect photographer for your newborn’s first photoshoot:

1. Start Early

The best time to start looking for a newborn photographer is during your pregnancy. Most sought-after photographers book months in advance, so beginning your search early will give you the best chance to secure your preferred date and photographer.

2. Review Their Portfolio

A photographer’s portfolio is a window into their style and skill. Look for a variety of poses, settings, and families in their portfolio to ensure they have extensive experience. Pay close attention to the expressions of the babies in the photos—are they relaxed and comfortable? This can tell you a lot about a photographer’s handling. Take a look at my portfolio here

3. Check Safety Practices

Newborn safety during photoshoots cannot be overstated. Inquire about the photographer’s training in newborn safety, including their approach to posing, handling, and the environment they create for the session.


Before and After - the importance of safety and role of photoshop in newborn photography


Before and After - the importance of safety and role of photoshop in newborn photography

Babies should never ever be left unsupported, especially in photography props. I will often ask a parent to sit with and support their baby while I am taking a photograph and remove their hands later during editing (see the before and after example).

Confirm that the photographer understands and uses digital composition techniques. Make sure they prioritise your baby’s well-being above all else.

4. Understand Their Style

Photography styles vary widely—from classic and timeless to modern and artistic. Decide which style reflects what you envision for your baby’s photos. Whether it’s more posed and structured photos or natural and lifestyle-oriented shots, the photographer’s style should match your taste.

5. Ask About the Session Details

Get clarity on what the session entails. How long will it last? What does the photographer need from you as the parent? Will family portraits be included? What happens if your baby is fussy or hungry? Understanding these details can help you prepare better and set your expectations correctly.

First family portraits


First family portraits
Example of Baby Born Frame


Example of Baby Born Frame

6. Read Reviews and Testimonials

Hearing from other parents can provide invaluable insight into a photographer’s professionalism and manner. Look for feedback on their patience, flexibility, and interaction with newborns, which are critical qualities for a newborn photographer. You can see some of my reviews here

7. Evaluate Their Service and Pricing

Understand what is included and what is additional, for example artwork and digital files. Ensure the pricing is transparent and within your budget. Sometimes, a higher cost means more comprehensive service and experience, which can be worth the investment for such a significant occasion. 

8. Consider the Location

Decide whether you prefer a studio session or a session at your home. Each has its benefits; studios are controlled environments optimised for photography, while home sessions are more personal and comfortable. Ensure the photographer can accommodate your preference.

9. Personal Connection

It’s important that you feel comfortable and connected with your photographer. They will be handling your newborn and sharing a special moment with your family. A personal connection can make the session more enjoyable and natural. Arrange to meet with potential photographers beforehand to make sure they are a good fit for you

10. Professionalism and Communication

The initial interactions with the photographer can tell you a lot about their professionalism and communication style. Prompt, clear, and friendly communications are good signs of a professional who will respect your time and provide a pleasant service experience.

Baby in hands


Baby in hands

Newborn photography isn’t just about taking pictures; it’s about creating a safe, serene environment where beautiful moments with your new baby can be captured artistically. Take your time to choose someone who has the technical skills, understanding, and sensitivity to make the experience memorable and stress-free.

Choosing the right newborn photographer can ensure that those fleeting first days are immortalised in a way that you’ll treasure forever. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding a professional who will deliver stunning images that capture the essence of your newborn’s early days.  If you’d like to talk to me about creating your newborn portraits, get in touch today!

Planning your baby shower is an exciting journey, marking a special moment in the adventure of parenthood. It’s a celebration of life, love, and the imminent arrival of your little one. To make this occasion as memorable and stress-free as possible, having a comprehensive plan is key.

Thankfully, my “Baby Shower Planning Guide” provides a detailed guide to ensure your baby shower is a heartwarming success. My fabulous e-book, available for free download further down this page, is an invaluable resource in organising the perfect celebration.


The journey begins with invitations. They’re not just a formality but the first glimpse into the theme and vibe of your baby shower. Whether you opt for digital invitations adorned with charming baby motifs or handmade paper invites for that personal touch, ensure they reflect the spirit of the occasion and provide all necessary details for your guests.


Choosing a theme can transform your space into a wonderland that delights everyone. Whether you decide on a whimsical “Baby Safari” complete with animal balloons or a delicate “Little Princess” theme bathed in pinks and tiaras, let your theme guide the decorations to create a cohesive and enchanting setting.

Decoration Inspiration for Baby Shower


Decoration Inspiration for Baby Shower


Baby showers are renowned for their fun and sometimes silly games. From “Guess the Baby Food” to a onesie decorating station, select activities that will engage your guests and spark laughter. These moments of joy and camaraderie become treasured memories. 

And don't forget to have a friend take lots of photographs while you enjoy the fun!

Baby Shower Games and Activities


Baby Shower Games and Activities


No gathering is complete without a delectable spread. Mini sandwiches, fruit platters, and cupcakes with baby-themed toppers cater to all tastes, ensuring your guests are well-fed and content. A mocktail bar adds a sophisticated touch, offering refreshing beverages for everyone to enjoy.

Baby Shower Buffet Inspiration


Baby Shower Buffet Inspiration


A thoughtfully curated gift registry can help your guests select presents that you truly need or want for your baby. From essentials like nappies, toiletries and clothing to adorable nursery decorations, make sure to include a range of options to suit various budgets.

Baby Shower Gifts


Baby Shower Gifts


Sending your guests home with a small token of appreciation, such as personalised keychains or sweet treats, leaves a lasting impression of gratitude. Following up with heartfelt thank-you cards reinforces this sentiment and ensures your guests know how much their presence and gifts were appreciated.

Baby themed cakes and biscuits


Baby themed cakes and biscuits


Set up a photo booth or a beautifully decorated backdrop to capture the day’s festivities. These snapshots become priceless keepsakes, encapsulating the love and excitement surrounding the upcoming addition to your family.

Baby Shower Photo Ideas


Baby Shower Photo Ideas

Download my FREE Baby Shower Planning Guide today!

My “Baby Shower Planning Guide” not only simplifies the organisation of your event but also inspires creativity and personalisation in every detail.

From the initial invitation to the final thank-you, each step is an opportunity to celebrate the love and anticipation that a new baby brings.

Baby Shower Planning Guide


Baby Shower Planning Guide

Happy Planning!


